Over the last couple of years, social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon have become incredibly popular. If you can get a story featured on the front page of Digg, for example, you can realistically expect in excess of 20,000 unique website visitors in a 24-hour period!
The best part about using any of the social bookmarking sites is that they are entirely free. All you have to do is write or create something that is so newsworthy that other people will add it to their ‘bookmarks’ folder on the social bookmarking site in question.
If this happens, then you can expect thousands of people to visit your site within a very short time. You must, however, understand that this is likely to be a very short term ‘buzz’, and these traffic levels are not going to be sustained.Nevertheless, if your website is interesting enough, then some of the visitors will return again.All you have to do, therefore, is create a site that justifies people taking the time and making the effort of visiting you again.
How Many back links do you have?
14 years ago